If you love the classic gift of chocolate, we've got a classy collection to choose from. Our newest line, which also features caramels, is Lula's, made right down the road in Monterey. For an exotic treat, you might give Poco Dolce, but beware, the Super Chile Toffee is spicy! What a Kick!
Or, why not impress your beloved with freshly baked scones made from Iveta's scone mix, right here in Santa Cruz. Choose from Cherry, Raisin, Chocolate Chip, Ginger, Strawberry, Apricot, Lemon, and Cranberry Orange. And you might also decide to top them with one of six kinds of luscious jams from Swanton Berry Farm and Happy Girl Kitchen.
And if your sweetheart is more of a savory hound, we still have gift options for you! Artisans is very excited to also carry a selection of Happy Girl Kitchen's pickled vegeta
Come in soon to find the perfect gift, and don't forget that you can still bid on Hearts for the Arts artwork!
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